Orison Fragment (Fragmento orison)
Price(Precio): 1 M / 10 M
Stacked(Apilada): 9999
Dropped by World Bosses.
Información de la lista de algunos bosses y sus ubicaciones
Estos items se consiguen matando los World Bosses que están a lo largo de todos los mapas e instancias. Estas son las localizaciones en Coordenadas y Realms de los Bosses.
Wartsworth the Toad King- lvl 11- Located in R2 at 100, -175
Zarras Elder- Lvl 18- Located in R3 at 407, 398
Vicious Bandit - Lvl 18- Located in R7 at -46, 328
Bloodsmelt Rouge - Lvl 81- Located in R2 Cave of Fangs at 331, -273
Zarras Duchess - lvl 34 - Located in R4 at -446, -363
Gilded Bloodbat -lvl 81- Located in R6 Cave of Fangs at 298, -415
Tuff Kong -lvl 23- Located in R8 at -50, 30
Abyssal Viper -lvl 81- Located in R7 Forsaken Abyss (2nd lvl of the Cave of Fangs) at -350, -400
*Following Bosses Located in Moontop Hollow are only summoned by doing Mr.Mundors Quest in R14 Sunstream takes 100 players to unlock the Boss from the related quest...as of yet no one has done this on this server to our knowledge, most liekly due to needing 100 players to complete the quest. All these bosses are located in R14 Moontop Hollow*
Elder Blackheart -lvl 150+- -346, -59
Vanti The Etherblade -lvl 150+- -105, -76
Madame Chimes -lvl 150+- -424, -210
Fusoir the Fallen -lvl 150+- -16, -214
Beast Lord -150+- 125, 100
Sanguine Minister lvl 50 located in R5 -300, 298
Oran Goreclaw lvl 50 located in R9 -325, 5
General Clinks lvl 50 Located in R10 135, 335
Corsair Captain lvl 65 Located in R2 1, -240
Black Eel lvl 96 Located in R3 Dark Drake Cave -142, 167
Abominable Sea Spider lvl 65 Located in R6 -158, 393
King Rhinoback lvl 65 Located in R7 -413, -402
Flame Phoenix lvl 96 Located in Dark Drake Cave R8 -322, -271
Mindrot Menace lvl 96 Located in Fox Hill Tomb R2 270, -100
Gillhook lvl 80 Located in R3 270, 309
Li Ganis lvl 80 Located in R4 -146, 140
Lava King lvl 96 Located in R4 Fox Hill Tomb 250, -255
Felis Berserker lvl 96 Located in Fox Hill Tomb R4 -222, -266
Dragon of Illumination lvl 96 Located in Fox Hill Tomb R6 450, -200
Torin Kul lvl 96 Located in Fox Hill Tomb R7 -137, -180
Hive Mother lvl 80 Located in R8 350, 50
Snarling Ravager lvl 96 Located in Fox Hill Tomb R9 -85, -200
Bird of Prey lvl 96 Located in Fox Hill Tomb R10 150, -260
*The Bosses of Fox Hill Tomb are part of an Explorer Quest line that starts at Tanis Ka in SunStream City. The first boss to defeat is the Felis Berserker. You CANNOT get to the second lvl of Fox Hill Tomb or the other Fix Hill Bosses until you defeat this boss and turn in the quest to the quest ender.*
Blood Lion lvl 96 Located in R5 -337, -231
Desolation Beast lvl 95 located in R9 -310, -228
Incense Valley
King of Abonminations lvl 95 Located in R6 361, 333
Southern Border
Ceaseless Rot lvl 125 Located in R2 -371, 270
Subordinate of the Depths lvl 126 Located in R4 Cave of Ancient Tales -383, 234
Beast Lord lvl 126 Located in R8 Cave of Ancient Tales -360, 355
Bahun the Crimson Located in R8 Cave of Ancient Tales -390, -100
*The Cave of Ancient Tales está lleno de trampas . Hay una búsqueda al principio cuando entras en esta cueva que es necesario completarla para llegar a la segunda y tercera parte de la mazmorra. Necesita el artículo que se obtiene al completar esta búsqueda de hacer de forma segura a través de las trampas de gas venenoso y de incendios situados en furthur de esta cueva mortal*
Kunlun Montains
Xaos lvl 150+ Located in R5 Kunlun Wonderland 375, 380
Kunlun Slave lvl 125 Located in R7 -335, 125
Judge of the Glacier lvl 141 Located in R7 -50, 162
General of Darkness lvl 150+ Located in R9 Kunlun Wonderland -400, 135
Beast of Enlightenment lvl 141 Located in R10 Kunlun Wonderland -15, 85
*Kunlun Wonderland Mobs are part of a quest line as well and you need certain items to open massive gates to reach these bosses. WARNING TO ADVENTURERS!! Come prepared with a full pt of capable players. With plently of pots/batteries. Once your part passes through these gates they close behind you and your locked in. If you port and try to come back you will find yourself locked out and unable to reach your doomed party members.*
Lord Earthforce lvl 155 Located in R2 -10, 267
King of Orchids lvl 155 Located in R3 350, -385
Master Of Pain lvl 155 Located in R4 150, 100
Yinmu Lvl 155 Located in R5 -388, 71
WindFire Chief lvl 155 Located in R6 404, 319
Bird of Dystopia lvl 150+ Located in R8 Palace of Purgatory -25, 25
Cocoon Queen lvl 155 Located in R8 -174, 102
Yin Yang Priest lvl 155 Located in R10 -175, 441
*Shura Bosses are part of a career quest line and are appropriatly lvl capped. Do not attempt these bosses solo or they will surely defeat you with one hit*